Tuesday, June 29, 2010


You may ask this question.

"Why Another Vending Machine?"

Well...The answer is simple.

I want to vent my opinions. When I give my opinions on a topic, I'm brutally honest and harsh about it. If you can't deal with that, you might not want to be here then. Also, I'm just a regular guy with a diploma in Web Developer. I don't follow politics. I watch hockey. I drink beer. I'm just your regular Canadian Joe.

With this blog, I'm hoping to vent about a lot of topics. Hence the name of the blog. I feel that a Vending Machine can offer a lot of options, so why not topics?

I will be talking from a lot of topics such as Hockey, Beer, Politics, Movies, Music, Peterborough, Port Credit, Canada, anything you can even imagine. Maybe there will be a topic on Polka Music or Banjo Guitars or Little People, Big World.

I'm very laid back and easygoing.

So every once in a while, I'll be posting something that I will be venting my opinion about or praising about it.

Why not? There's a zillion of them.

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